Sketchbook Pro includes more tools than Procreate, another professional-level creation app, though not as many options for canvas-size and resolution. It would be nice to see a few improvements (such as a select tool, and for the Android version, a smudge tool), but all in all, it's an excellent tool. Teens can pin their most-used tools to their canvas and reset them easily in the settings, making pinning tools for specific projects easy. The options for tools, pens, and stamps are outstanding. SketchBook Express for iPad System Requirements, SketchBook Express for iPad Minimum requirements Recommended requirements, Can PC run SketchBook Express for iPad system specs. The app does offer an option for pen only, which lets artists use the stylus without hand pressure registering on the screen, so teens can draw with precision. The controls are exhaustive and intuitive, and maneuvering with both fingers and a stylus offers some ease in creation. Teens familiar with the desktop version of Sketchbook Pro will pick up the tablet version with no problems, but others will require some instruction and exploration to get comfortable. The app offers tools available in the desktop version with the ease of a sketchbook on the tablet. It’s free to download from the App Store. It is an excellent, professional-caliber tool designed by Autodesk, developers with a history of well-regarded apps for designers, engineers, and architects. Hey guys this is a basic tutorial on how to draw using Autodesk Sketchbook for iPad using the Apple Pencil. Sketchbook Pro is a serious digital art tool not to be mistaken for the many simple drawing apps available.